Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Where's the "Magic Key" to Superior Health?

In an article published in the upcoming New Yorker magazine, science journalist Gary Taubes will touch on a scientific study done by hospital nurses that gathered statistics of specific dietary or lifestyle choices and their actual results versus supposed claims. In order to see whether or not any single action has it's desired effect or not, the study made an effort to make sure the actions were done by random participants with varying lifestyles, the reason being that the people who have already tried these methods would have likely incorporated other positive lifestyle changes in their lives which would have have an overall effect anyway.

This study and the method it was carried out tells us allot about how today's society continues to look for the single "Magic" answer to Superior Health when really it's been in front of us all this time. Rather than just doing one of the following things such as reduce white flour intake, cut out refined sugars, consume less dairy products, moderate animal intake, increase fruits and vegetables, drink more water, incorporate more exercise or reduce alcohol and tobacco use, wouldn't it make much more sense to and have a much more desired results if we were able to make all those changes?

I love analogies. Put yourself in the passenger seat of an automobile and there is someone else driving the car irresponsibly, running through stop signs, swerving in and out of oncoming lanes and brushing past pedestrians. Wouldn't you take it upon yourself to get out of the car the first chance you get or attempt to take over the wheel? Now let's assumed you did take control of the car and drove in a responsible manner, doing so would greatly reduce the chance of an accident but not eliminate it entirely. Well by making a series of lifestyle choices we can pretty much take control of our health and substantially reduce the chances of experiencing disease down the road. That's were the Magic Key lies.

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